In Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, a helpless pup was discovered after enduring abuse and being cruelly painted green. The toxic fumes from the paint left the stray weak and faint, with no food to eat and no one to care for him.
Luckily, he was spotted by Shazreen Othuman who decided to step in and ease the pups suffering.
Othuman raised awareness of the poor dog’s situation by posting about him on social media.
He hoped that once people learned about the horrible treatment he’d had to suffer through, someone would get him the help he needed.
The stray’s story unsurprisingly stirred up a lot of emotion online, and local animal rights supporters were outraged.
The pup was rescued and taken off the streets and has been taken in by a volunteer who gave him a bath and removed the paint.
The pup was lucky to have gotten help in time, as the paint fumes could have proved fatal.
Awful photos show the exhausted and starving pooch – who has since been named Mr Green – sitting on the side of a road
The perpetrators of this cruel crime may face up to three years in prison provided that they’re caught, but they’ve not yet been identified or apprehended.
We’re so thankful and relieved that the pup got the help he needed, and we’re glad to see that there are people out there who are ready to step up and help animals in need.